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Showing posts from July 18, 2014

What a FRIEND?

Yea.. Thanks for "being there for me". Whoever know your side of the story definitely support you. but hello there is always two sided story, if people are so blinded by your "fake" face go ahead. cause who are my friends know me the best, yea i have a lot of weakness, how about you? you are not perfect as well! you know what happened and act innocently like you don't know a thing? where are you when i need you the most? don't fake it in my face. secondly think before you accuse me, i thank your mother at the air port! if i don't appreciate her time you freaking think i that free to go find the coffee all the way from Malacca and bring all the way to Taiwan? NO! so think before you accuse! about my job yea Thank You for introducing this job to me but my position now is i myself succeed it. true friends stay and never leave stop being so fake and go back where once you bitch about her before. you can climb up ****ing high with your face but whe